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Amount: 11.35 MB
ISBN: 1990000688280
Date of placement: 9.07.2012
Аthor: Clark, Elmer Talmage, ed

John Wesley, co-founder (with brother Charles) of Methodism: You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work. And go not only to
Full text of "The Methodist who's who".
Modern Methodists Forget Point Of.
Who's who in Methodism;
An Apology for African Methodism By Bp. Benj. T. Tanner (Benjamin Tucker), 1835-1923
The United Methodist Portal
W. H. Davenport (William Henry), b. 1868.
Rethinking Church in the 21st Century (by Dan R. Dick) Who Needs A Sermon? It never fails that when I am looking for something in particular, I manage to find
Full text of "The Methodist who's who"
Biography of W. H. Davenport (William Henry), b. 1868 by Brenda Marks Eagles
Full text of "Who's who in American Methodism .."
A friendly, active church with a membership of 200, from various backgrounds and countries, and of all ages. In the name of Christ we offer a warm welcome and
Who's who in Methodism;
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Who's Perfect Research Focus | United Methodeviations
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